Yellow Quotes

Children and animals are alike; even though they are in pain they will still play.

Annamarie Horan, MPA, PhD, CCRC, CPI
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and Director of Clinical Research University of Pennsylvania

Our furry friends are family and more than ever we are concerned for their well-being. PainTrace® works together with veterinarians to locate and monitor pain, so that you can see how your companion feels.

PainTrace® uses a direct biosignal. Much like our weight or blood pressure our pain can change with our health; or affect our health. With PainTrace® the more negative the number the more pain we see.

See how PainTrace® Works

Vet, Pet Owners

PainTrace® may aid your veterinarian and aid you in evaluating your pet’s pain. The PainTrace® signal reflects injury and treatments aiding our understanding of healing and wellness.

  • Where does your pet hurt?
  • Together with your veterinarian PainTrace can support recommendations and treatment?
  • Is this working? Should we continue? How can we do better?

Catch up with your Veterinarian about PainTrace® today.

Would you like to find a local Veterinarian already using PainTrace? Contact Us.

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