Clinical Use

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Clinical Use

Clinical Use

PainTrace Objecively Quanitifies Pain for Accurate Evaluation of Pain and the Efficacy of Treatment and Rehabilitation

  • PainTrace offers qualitative and quantitative monitoring of acute and chronic pain in multiple species including canine, feline, equine, and bovine.
  • PainTrace differentiates acute and chronic pain, measuring both magnitude and duration of the pain experience. Understanding the individual experience of pain supports targeted treatment leading the path to wellness.
PainTrace® Objectively Quantifies Pain for Accurate Evaluation of the Efficacy of Treatment
PainTrace® Objectively Quantifies Pain for Accurate Evaluation of the Efficacy of Treatment

PainTrace® Objectively Quantifies Pain for Accurate Evaluation of the Efficacy of Treatment and Rehabilitation 

  • PainTrace offers qualitative and quantitative monitoring of acute and chronic pain in multiple species including canine, feline, equine, and bovine.
  • PainTrace differentiates acute and chronic pain, measuring both magnitude and duration of the pain experience. Understanding the individual experience of pain supports targeted treatment leading the path to wellness.


How can PainTrace benefit veterinarians and their patients?

Pinpoint the source of pain

Visualize pain during manipulation of anatomy
Visualize pain during specific activities and during utilization of particular anatomy

Quantify the degree of pain

Calculate the magnitude of acute PainTrace peaks related to the experience of acute pain, in real time

Quantify the chronic PainTrace baseline value, related to the experience of chronic pain, in real time

Illustrate the efficacy of treatment

Visualize the changes in acute & chronic pain after treatments

Communicate rehabilitation

progress with pet owners

Provide tangible visual assessments of acute & chronic pain that can be used to communicate the need for treatments with pet owners

Use PainTrace data to provide individualized pain management to ensure the patient is pain-free, and establish with certainty that treatments are effective

Track improvement in

chronic & acute pain

Create overlay reports that display multiple traces, allowing you to visualize & track improvements in acute & chronic pain overtime

Ensures the patient is receiving individualized care that is effective at reducing their pain

How can PainTrace benefit veterinarians and their patients?

Pinpoint the source of pain

Visualize pain during manipulation of anatomy
Visualize pain during specific activities and during utilization of particular anatomy

Quantify the degree of pain

Calculate the magnitude of acute PainTrace peaks related to the experience of acute pain, in real time

Quantify the chronic PainTrace baseline value, related to the experience of chronic pain, in real time

Illustrate the efficacy of treatment

Visualize the changes in acute & chronic pain after treatments

Communicate rehabilitation

progress with pet owners

Provide tangible visual assessments of acute & chronic pain that can be used to communicate the need for treatments with pet owners

Use PainTrace data to provide individualized pain management to ensure the patient is pain-free, and establish with certainty that treatments are effective

Track improvement in

chronic & acute pain

Create overlay reports that display multiple traces, allowing you to visualize & track improvements in acute & chronic pain overtime

Ensures the patient is receiving individualized care that is effective at reducing their pain

Implementing PainTrace

When to apply PainTrace

Trace 1

Initial Visit

The initial trace is used to establish baseline pain levels prior to treatment and pinpoint source of pain

Trace 2

Rehabilitation Visit

The second trace can be used for you to evaluate rehabilitation efficacy in reducing pain and refine initial treatment modalities

Trace 3

Rehabilitation Continued

Additional rehabilitation traces can be used to continually monitor the efficacy of treatment and enhance communication with pet owners

Step 1

Prepare the skin and apply sensors


  • Shave all fur from the species-specific location
  • Clean thoroughly with isopropanol
  • Place sensors on completely shaven, clean, and dry skin
  • Use SkinTac™ to better adhere sensors to the skin, if necessary
  • Attach the PainTrace device and start a trace

Step 2

Perform an orthopedic exam


  • Perform an orthopedic exam while annotating to give context to the PainTrace graph
  • Annotate using speech to text or tap to text on the PainTrace app
  • Begin by annotating the anatomy then palpate and manipulate the area you wish to examine

Step 3

Pin-point painful anatomy during the orthopedic exam


  • Use the PainTrace graph and the context provided by the annotations to visualize which areas are painful

Step 4

Perform an activity


  • Evaluate pain during activities such as walk, trot, and sit to stand while collecting PainTrace data 
  • In post-treatment visits, the activity can be used as a quick way to evaluate treatment efficacy in reducing pain

Step 5

Monitor response to rehabilitation modalities 


  • PainTrace provides an individual response to treatment modality
  • The PainTrace data can help determine the best utilization of the rehabilitation techniques and refine techniques to improve outcomes and reduce discomfort

Step 6

Analyze PainTrace data and compare with previous visit(s)


  • Analyze your PainTrace data after the visit to determine chronic PainTrace baseline data and acute PainTrace peak deltas
  • Use overlay reporting after two or more visits to evaluate treatment efficacy in reducing acute and chronic pain

Step 7

Communicate progress with pet owner


  • Communicate patient pain with the pet owner by using acute PainTrace peak deltas and chronic PainTrace baselines to communicate the need for treatments
  • Visualize improvement by using overlay reporting to depict mitigation of chronic and acute pain overtime
  • Assure pet owners that treatments are efficacious or adjust rehabilitation if you and the pet owner are not seeing the desired improvements
  • Accurately determine frequency and duration of ongoing rehabilitation where applicable

Case Example

Visit 1 Pre-Treatment: Chronic Pain -20

Visit 1 with PainTrace Pre-Treatment: Chronic pain -20

This patient is an adult mixed-breed rescue dog who was hit by a car as a puppy and brought to the humane society. She suffered a femoral neck fracture on the left. There was no surgical intervention at that time. After adoption and nearly one year later, the owner noticed that the dog was limping. She was brought to the animal hospital to be evaluated. In addition to an x-ray showing a non-union fracture of the left femoral neck, a PainTrace was run on the dog showing chronic pain (baseline of -20) and severe acute pain peaks during walk and trot. Additionally, an absence of pain was observed during sit to stand.

Visit 2 with PainTrace Post-Treatment: Absence of Pain +4

The dog was started on Adequan® injections, carprofen, and gabapentin. She received both Shockwave and LASER therapy.

At the second visit, after therapy was started, the PainTrace showed significant improvement in pain. The chronic PainTrace baseline rose to a +4 and no acute pain peaks were seen with walking and trotting. It was then determined that surgery was not necessary.

Visit 2 Post-Treatment: Absence of Pain +4
Analyze PainTrace data in an overlay Overlay Report of Visit 1 and Visit 2

Overlay Report of Visit 1 & Visit 2: Data Analysis

The chronic PainTrace baseline went from -20 on 2022-08-23 to +4 on 2022-10-20, indicating a reduction in chronic pain after approximately 8 weeks of rehabilitation. 

The moderate and severe acute PainTrace peaks associated with walking and trotting on 2022-08-23, turned into no acute PainTrace peaks during the same activity post-treatment on 2022-10-20. This indicates a reduction in acute pain after approximately 8 weeks of rehabilitation. 

Visit 1 Pre-Treatment: Chronic Pain -20

Visit 1 with PainTrace Pre-Treatment: Chronic pain -20

This patient is an adult mixed-breed rescue dog who was hit by a car as a puppy and brought to the humane society. She suffered a femoral neck fracture on the left. There was no surgical intervention at that time. After adoption and nearly one year later, the owner noticed that the dog was limping. She was brought to the animal hospital to be evaluated. In addition to an x-ray showing a non-union fracture of the left femoral neck, a PainTrace was run on the dog showing chronic pain (baseline of -20) and severe acute pain peaks during walk and trot. Additionally, an absence of pain was observed during sit to stand.

Visit 2 with PainTrace Post-Treatment: Absence of Pain +4

The dog was started on Adequan® injections, carprofen, and gabapentin. She received both Shockwave and LASER therapy.

At the second visit, after therapy was started, the PainTrace showed significant improvement in pain. The chronic PainTrace baseline rose to a +4 and no acute pain peaks were seen with walking and trotting. It was then determined that surgery was not necessary.

Visit 2 Post-Treatment: Absence of Pain +4
Analyze PainTrace data in an overlay Overlay Report of Visit 1 and Visit 2

Overlay Report of Visit 1 & Visit 2: Data Analysis

The chronic PainTrace baseline went from -20 on 2022-08-23 to +4 on 2022-10-20, indicating a reduction in chronic pain after approximately 8 weeks of rehabilitation. 

The moderate and severe acute PainTrace peaks associated with walking and trotting on 2022-08-23, turned into no acute PainTrace peaks during the same activity post-treatment on 2022-10-20. This indicates a reduction in acute pain after approximately 8 weeks of rehabilitation. 

“PainTrace is a game changer that aids towards evaluating the location of pain, severity of pain, and treatment efficacy. PainTrace is an excellent device to assist with communicating patient pain to owners. In a fast-paced work environment, PainTrace helps me, as a busy clinician, to slow down and thoroughly evaluate every joint during my orthopedic exams to ensure I detect even the most subtle lameness.”

- Dr. Megan Kelley, DVM, CVA (IVAS), CVSMT, FCoAC