Our Pets Can Feel Pain, Too

PainTrace® is all about partnership.  Working together, communicating, and sharing information generates success.  We are pleased to share the linked Q&A which highlights two amazing partners dedicated to pain management and limiting fear and anxiety which can exasperate pain.

  • The International Veterinary Association for Pain Management (IVAPM) is a fantastic group of knowledgeable veterinarians focused on pain, pain education, and improving care.
  • Fear Free was founded by Dr. Marty Becker focused on the human animal health connection with the goal to ensure all animals live happy, healthy, full lives.
  • PainTrace® communicates pain for non-verbal patients and is a tool for veterinarians and clients to see the pain, quantify the pain, and track response to treatment over time.

Together we all support Pet Wellness.  Pet Wellness is a partnership between veterinary professionals and patient care givers.

Veterinarians Tammy Grubb and Ralph Harvey are featured in USA Today/Modern Wellness.
See their Q&A on pain and pain assessment here:
